Should We Be Happy All The Time?

Should we be happy all the time?  Is that what we should aim at?

These are two questions I’ve pondered and researched a lot – especially as I climb back up the happiness ladder after my life was torn apart after my husband died.

And the answer I’ve come up with is:  Heck NO! We are absolutely NOT meant to be happy all the time!

However, I do believe we are supposed to be happy MOST of the time.  I do believe happiness is our natural default way of being.

Let me explain…..

Just suppose a saber-tooth tiger is chasing you.  Like this one:

This is a life-threatening situation, don’t you agree? This is not the time to “Stop and smell the roses”.

This is the time to run for your life. Forget happiness.

Somehow though, through no intentions of our own, we seem to be spending more and more time in that stressed state, the state we absolutely need to be in when a saber-tooth tiger is chasing us. And yet most of the time there is no saber-tooth tiger.

Our default way of being has become one of stress and survival.

It’s not relevant that the saber-tooth is not real.  We think it’s real. Our body reacts as if it’s real and we end up in a real state of stress and we end up unhappy along with all it’s consequences.

So how do we get ourselves back to the default happiness state?  How do we ONLY run for our lives when a real, versus imaginary,  saber-tooth tiger is chasing us?

I believe we can get to a default state of happiness by first making a decision that we want to and secondly by learning the skill of happiness.

Happiness is a skill and it can be learned  – just like you can learn to play the piano.

That saber-tooth tiger will keep coming along but you can learn how to recognise if it’s real or not and act accordingly.  Plus you can learn how to avoid the situations where the imaginary saber-tooth tiger lurks.

I invite you to come on the journey with me and learn the skill of happiness. And keep practicing it until happiness becomes your default way of being.




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