What Food Diet Are You On?

During an appointment with Mike’s oncologist, for his brain cancer, I asked what sort of foods Mike should be eating.  What should his diet be?

The oncologists reply was: “Anything – even McDonalds.”


I was totally flabbergasted and I’ll be telling you why.

In this video, I cover:

  •  Different types of diets
  •  Your food diet
  •  A recommended food diet and how to easily follow it


By the way, with respect to what the oncologist said, I ignored it and followed this recommended food diet instead.





You may wish to listen instead.




What Next?   


What do you do next, so you can Live in High Vibration?

As a first step, I recommend you download the Living in High Vibration Roadmap.

Within that Roadmap you will have:

  1.  My Happiness SuperPower Roadmap.
  2.  My ULA Methodology to help you ‘consume’ high vibrations through your eyes, mouth, ears, nose and skin.

The Roadmap comes with two diagrams and two short videos to further explain the diagrams and what to do.