What is Living in the Solution?

Living in the Solution is Living in High Vibration.

We are vibrational beings. Our vibration is everything. 

Your vibration will determine the life you lead.

Let me explain …..

Your vibration will determine whether your body goes into “Survival Mode” or “Happy, Healthy Enchanted Life Mode.”  

At any one point in time, you are in either one of these modes. 

We have two main vibration states: Low and High.

When your body goes into Low Vibration, your body assumes it is in danger, so it switches into “Survival Mode.”

In Survival Mode, it is not the time to stop and smell the roses. In Survival Mode, it’s also not the time for your body to focus on maintaining your health.  In Survival Mode, it’s also not the time to access your Super Powers.

In Survival Mode, all energy and focus needs to be on survival – surviving the immediate threat.  Makes total sense.

It’s easy to see what your life would be like if you were spending most of your time in Survival Mode: not happy, not healthy, not enchanted.

Conversely, when your body goes into High Vibration, your body assumes all is well and it switches into  “Happy, Healthy Enchanted Life Mode.”   Then it’s time to smell the roses, for your body to focus on health and for you to access your SuperPowers.

There is a lot of programming, manipulation, lies, deception to intentionally keep us all in Low Vibration … to keep us in Survival Mode.

In this Low Vibration Survival Mode, we are easier to control plus there is a LOT of money to be made from the resulting fear and sickness.

The total opposite is true when we are in  “Happy, Healthy Enchanted Life Mode.”  

Are you seeing the picture?

So what impacts your vibration?

Your emotions PLUS your inputs through your input devices (mouth, eyes, ears, nose, skin) all impact your vibration.

So, if you learn how to have high vibration emotions PLUS you consume high vibrations through your input devices  (mouth, eyes, ears, nose, skin), you can be in the  “Happy, Healthy Enchanted Life Mode” most of the time.

You can absolutely learn the skills and habits to do this.

One of the skills to learn is Happiness as a SuperPower.  Yes, happiness is a SuperPower which you learn and acquire. 


In summary,  to Live in the Solution is to Live in High Vibration.

To Live in High Vibration is to live in “Happy, Healthy Enchanted Life Mode”.

Decide now to Live in High Vibration and learn the skills and habits to do so.




In 2023, my focus is on coaching people to “Awake Part 2”, to Live in the Solution so they can access a happy, healthy, enchanted life …and their SuperPowers.

Check out my Coaching Packages here.