How Live in High Vibration?

How do you Live in High Vibration?

#1  You acquire Happiness as a SuperPower

With Happiness as a SuperPower, you are masterful at generating, and feeling, high vibration, positive emotions.

Yes Happiness is a skill, a SuperPower,  you can acquire.

We are not told happiness is a skill we can acquire and we are not taught it either. This is all part of the control and manipulation to keep us in low vibration.

#2  You consume high vibrations through your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, skin. 

I’m talking about the entertainment you watch, the news you watch and listen to, the music you listen to, the food you eat, what you drink, what you breath in, what you smell, what you put on your skin.

They ALL have a vibration and that vibration directly impacts your vibration and therefore your life.

It’s the vibrations of what we consume that have been manipulated to keep us in low vibration.



Consuming high vibrations was the missing piece of the puzzle that I only “got’ in 2020.

Before then, I thought you just had to acquire Happiness as SuperPower in order to live a happy, healthy, enchanted life.




As a first step, I recommend you download the Living in High Vibration Roadmap at


With that Roadmap you will have:

  1. My Happiness SuperPower Roadmap
  2. MY ULA Methodology which will help you ‘consume’ high vibrations through your eyes, mouth, ears, nose, skin 


There are diagrams and videos which explain them both.

Download the Roadmap now.