Why Live in High Vibration?

Why Live in High Vibration?

After you are awake to the control, the lies, the manipulation, the evil, you then start to wonder:

  • what can I do? (I am only one person)
  • what is the solution?

The answer has everything to do with your vibration.

Your Vibration gives you the life you live.

Keeping you Living in Low Vibration is the aim of the lies, the manipulation and a lot of what you consume.

“They” want you to Live in Low Vibration.


When you live in Low Vibration, you are easy to control.

When you live in Low Vibration, there is a lot of money to be made from the resulting illnesses and unhappiness.

Conversely, when you Live in High Vibration, the opposite is true.

Also, when you Live in High Vibration, you have access to a happy, healthy, enchanted life … and to your SuperPowers.

So, in answer to the questions “What can I do?” “What is the solution?”, my answer is: Live in High Vibration.

Imagine what would happen if everyone did that!



Let me explain your vibration in more detail ….



In essence you are a spirit in a body here to experience living on earth.

And you can only experience living here on earth – eat icecream 🍦 etc – if you have a body.

Hence, there are mechanisms in place to ensure your body survives for as long as possible.

One of those mechanisms is vibration detection which tells your body what the priority is, and what it should and should not be doing.

To further explain this, let’s create a Vibration Scale.

The Vibration Scale is from 1 to 100 with 50 being halfway.

Let’s call above 50 HIGH Vibration.

Let’s call below 50 LOW Vibration.

What happens when your body detects a vibration below 50?

When your body detects that the vibration is below 50 – in low vibration – the body knows it’s in danger and hence its  #1 priority becomes survival.

When the body is in survival mode, one of the key things it does is switch OFF your health systems.

Your body switches OFF:

❌   Your immune system.

❌   Your growth and repair systems.

❌   Your natural healing systems.



Your health systems are switched off so the energy can be used to help your body survive.

Makes sense, after all, if you are being chased by a saber tooth tiger, your health systems are not important for your immediate survival.  It’s best to use that energy to survive.

I’ve just given you the example with your health systems, but in essence your systems for living a happy, healthy, enchanted life are put on hold so their energy can be used to help you survive.

In a nutshell, when you are in low vibration, in survival mode, you are not free to live a happy, healthy, enchanted life.

Your body is in control and it simply won’t let you – for your own survival.


What happens when your body detects a vibration above 50?

When your body detects that the vibration is above 50 – in high vibration –  the body knows it’s safe and it will turn on all the systems to support you to live a happy, healthy, enchanted life.

In essence you, your spirit, now takes the lead role and is free to maximise the experience of being in a body living here on earth.

You have freedom when your vibration is above 50. It’s all good being above 50.

And there is MORE …

When your vibration is above 50, and high, you get access to all sorts of spiritual powers.

I like to call these spiritual powers SuperPowers as they do make you super powerful.

These SuperPowers are:

✔️   Manifesting SuperPowers

✔️   Healing SuperPowers

✔️   Creativity SuperPowers

✔️   Intuition SuperPowers

✔️   Telepathy SuperPowers


You also get access to, connected to, the Universal Intelligence, the Quantum Field! Very cool.

All in all, you get access to your POWER when you are in high vibration and your spirit leads.

When you are in low vibration, your body simply won’t let you access your power as it has to survive.


What I’ve covered can be summarised in this diagram:


At the beginning I asked the question:  Why Live in High Vibration?

I said:

Your Vibration gives you the life you live.

When you Live in High Vibration, you have access to a happy, healthy, enchanted life … and to your SuperPowers.

Those answers should make more sense now.

My wish for you is that you choose to do what it takes to Live in High Vibration so you have access to living a happy, healthy, enchanted life and you have access to your SuperPowers.




What Next?


What do you do next so you can Live in High Vibration?

As a first step, I recommend you download the Living in High Vibration Roadmap.