The Love and Light Trap

I’ve talked about the three Awakening Traps which are designed to keep you stuck in “Awake Part 1.”

(“Awake Part 1” is where you see the lies, the deceptions, the manipulations.)

There is another trap set for people too.  It is the “Love and Light Trap.”

The purpose of the “Love and Light Trap” is to ensure people don’t become aware of the lies, the deception, the manipulations.


The purpose of the “Love and Light Trap” is to stop people from becoming “Awake Part 1.”

The “Love and Light Trap” is set by many “Spiritual Gurus” and is encouraged by many in the “New Age” movement and their followers.

It is easy to spot those encouraging people to fall into the “Love and Light Trap,” as well as those who’ve fallen into it..

They encourage you to be all positive and upbeat and, if you talk about the “dark side” you’ll be quickly told you are being negative.  They just want you to ignore the dark side and be all “positive.”


Their view is that if you ignore the evil, the dark side, it will go away.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I can assure you that the dark side is very happy when you ignore it and leave it alone.

When you ignore the dark side, it is free to continue and to grow and grow.

When you ignore the dark side, it is free to expand all its systems to control us, to suppress us and to keep us in fear and sickness.

Understandably, the dark side is very grateful for those that lead people into the “Love and Light Trap.”

Some people lead others into the “Love and Light Trap” with the best of intentions. They’ve unknowingly fallen into the trap themselves.

And then there are some who knowingly lead people into the “Love and Light Trap.”  They know exactly what they are doing and what they are doing.


When you come across someone who has fallen into the “Love and Light Trap,” what do you do?

I suggest planting a seed. Suggest that you choose instead to shine a light on the darkness in order to stop its growth and existence.  

However they respond is how they respond.

No need to persuade or convince.

The seed you have planted may sprout and then again it might not.

Just smile with “Love and Light” and be grateful you are not in the “Love and Light Trap.”



In 2023, my focus is on coaching people to “Awake Part 2”, to Live in the Solution so they can access a happy, healthy, enchanted life …and their SuperPowers.

Check out my Coaching Packages here.