In a Moment #1

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As I think about this, I’ve been going over the events of the last few years. It’s in reviewing these, that I’ve come to realise that my life has gone on a journey of moments.

I used to be in corporate – flying here, there and everywhere. In fact my Chinese friend Cindy called me ‘the bird with no feet.’

Sounds exotic. Yes?

Not really. I was far too busy being busy that I was not present for most of it. I was not really here, there or anywhere. I was just very busy working towards ‘something’ and ‘someday when.’

I’m not kidding when I was so busy that at times I did not want to even go to the loo. How totally nutty is that? I was indeed a busy nutcase.

That was how I used my moments back then.

Now I look back and I think EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK.


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It’ll just take a moment!