Really? That’s So Woo-Woo!


Really? Who gets to live a life they love and BE happy?  Don’t you know how busy I am?

 There’s so much to do. I haven’t got time for that. There’s work to be done, there’s chores to do, there’s bills to pay. I can’t seem to catch up. It’s endless all the stuff I have to do.
I’ve got obligations you know. People are depending on me. I’ve got lots of have to’s. I’ve got lots of should’s. I’ve got lots of ought to’s and supposed-to-do’s.
One day I’ll get around to it. When I have time. When this has happened. When that has happened. But not now. I’m far too busy. Can’t you see?
People who talk about living a life they love definitely have their heads stuck in the clouds.
Or have they?

I always suspected there must be more to life than this endless do-ing.
Just suppose you can live a life you love, and BE happy,  with a few tweaks and changes – and of course action. But action in the right direction.
Just suppose you are chasing the wrong things and for the wrong reasons. Not intentionally but because that is how you were taught by those who love and care about you, who were taught by those who loved and cared about them. You can also throw into the mix some teachings/media by those who have their interests at heart rather than yours.
One of the tweaks is to add a very important first step before you even start thinking about, or imagining, what a life you love would look life.
That very first step is to get clear on how you would FEEL if you were living a life you love.
Feelings. Really? This is all sounding more and more woo-woo.
Yes, feelings.
Keep reading. You’ve come this far. My promise to you is that it will make sense – and it’ll even be logical (if being logical is your thing, as it was mine.)
So how would you FEEL living a life you loved?
Alive? Abundant? Calm? Connected? Glowing? Empowered? Energised? Excited? Free? HAPPY? Inspired? Joy? Magical? Passionate? Vibrant?
These are just a few feelings to give you an idea.
What feelings pop into your mind? The ones that come to you first are a good starting point.
For me when living a life love I feel alive, I feel joy, I feel connected, I feel happy.
It’s going to be those feelings that you’ll use to determine what the life you love looks like.
It’s going to be those feelings that are going to inspire you to do what is takes to create the life you love.
It’s going to be those feelings that will become your GPS for living life.
It’s going to be those feelings that will guide your choices.
It’s those feelings that will enable more and more of your day to be a life you love.
Where to from here then?

To be continued……. once you are clear on your feelings of course.


It’s a great feeling over in my Facebook Group.  Come and JOIN.