Apply the “Button Test.”


It was my turn today to give the Business Tip at my Wednesday Networking Group.

My tip was essentially to apply what I’ve termed the “Button Test.” 


Have you noticed that buttons on men’s clothing are on the right and for the women they are on the left? So why is that?

It has to do with the ease of getting dressed.

When buttons were introduced, the women who wore the fancy clothing with buttons had servants help them get dressed, and do up their buttons. Most servants were right handed so, to make it easy for them, the buttons were put on the servants right (which makes them on the left of the garment.)

Men tended to dress themselves and, as most men were right handed, the buttons were put on the right.

So having buttons on the left for women was completely logical when women were dressed by servants.

However, for over a hundred years the majority of women have been dressing themselves. Hence it would be more logical for women’s buttons to now be on the right. And yet women’s buttons stay on the left.

(Imagine the outcry if someone had the audacity to move the buttons on women’s clothing!)


My business tip was to essentially challenge the way you do things in your business (and your life)!

Why do you do things the way you do them? Is the reason still valid, logical or make sense? Or have you been ‘buttoned’ in to doing it that way. (Couldn’t help myself saying this.)

Give yourself the freedom to explore other ways of achieving the same task/outcome.

Also give yourself the freedom to look at the outcomes you are chasing. Maybe they are ‘buttons’ too.

Maybe you’re even chasing the wrong outcomes or you’ve short changed yourself on the outcomes. Maybe there’s a whole new world of outcomes that are possible which are much, much better.


I suggest that you apply the “Button Test” in all areas of your life: Finances, Work, Relationships, Family, Pastimes, Happiness.

If you ‘do’ your life differently, you open up the possibility of very different outcomes and a very different life.

Also, if you explore different outcomes for your life, and if you explore the possibility of a happy life, maybe you’ll find it’s as close as changing a few buttons here and there.


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